The Timothy Center

This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. 1 Timothy 2: 3 & 4
Learn to Serve with Us

Flooding in Rio Grande do Sul

Heavy rains have cause catostrophic damage in Brazil's Rio Grande do Sul state since late April, causing historic floods that have killed many people, while others are still missing and more than 500,000 have been displaced. We have teams on the ground providing food and water, clothing and essentials. To give towards the flood victims, please donate below

Our Mission

Fighting to bring justice to where there is injustice.

The Timothy Center for Sustainable Transformation is a faith based 501(C)(3) non-profit organization. Our work involves both the proclamation and demonstration of the gospel, which empowers the poor to break poverty’s chains and become architects of change in their communities. We pursue physical and spiritual transformation of the whole person through holistic development. We mobilize the local Church in impoverished areas with a unique combination of discipleship and development programs. We seek to reach those in need, restore their identity and vocation and replicate this transformational process. We currently have over 30 staff members through The Timothy Center.